Use of Digital Technology Tools in Corporate Education for Leadership Development


  • Juliana Maria Ferreira FATEC Zona Leste
  • Taline Alves FATEC Zona Leste
  • Madelin Condori FATEC Zona Leste
  • Gabriel Faustino FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Carlos Hoelz FATEC Zona Leste



Technological tools, Corporate education, Leadership development, Leadership levels


Currently, companies are seeking highly qualified and adaptable leaders due to the constant technological evolution. The ability of leaders to keep up with new technologies is vital for the success of organizations, and corporate education plays a central role in this process. This article focuses on exploring the impact of technological tools in corporate education and their influence on the effectiveness of leadership development. Furthermore, it aims to identify the concrete benefits that this approach brings to organizations. To achieve these goals, a qualitative research was conducted with experienced professionals who have already integrated technologies into their work environments. The experiences shared by these professionals not only provided valuable insights but also allowed for a deeper analysis of the issues that arose during the research. The study seeks to provide substantial perspectives on how technology shapes leadership development and its impact on companies, informing future strategies and training decisions within organizations.


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How to Cite

Ferreira , J. M., Alves , T., Condori , M., Faustino , G., & Hoelz , J. C. (2024). Use of Digital Technology Tools in Corporate Education for Leadership Development. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(06), 47–57.

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