Logistics Efficiency Analysis

Case Study for a Company in the Laundry Sector in the City of São Paulo – SP


  • Edilam Ferreira dos Santos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Aline Cristina Gomes da Costa FATEC Zona Leste
  • Marcos José Correa Bueno FATEC Zona Leste




Logistics Efficiency, Inventory, Movement


This paper conducts an analysis of logistics efficiency to optimize the storage and movement processes of parts within a laundry machinery sales company in the city of São Paulo, SP. The study explores how the management of storage and part movement can be improved to achieve greater efficiency in the supply chain. The methodology includes exploratory literature research in specialized books and scientific articles, a case study at the fictitious company "Machines Wash," and action research. Action research is chosen due to the researcher's immersion and engagement with the organization under study, allowing for extended observation and more accessible and meaningful data collection. The results have highlighted challenges in receiving, storing, and dispatching goods due to inefficient layout and the use of manual processes. Several improvement proposals are presented, such as the reorganization of the existing layout and the acquisition of specific furniture. While initial costs are involved, the importance of these actions is emphasized in improving logistics efficiency, reducing costs, expediting delivery times, and enhancing competitiveness in the industrial machinery market for laundries.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. F. dos, Costa, A. C. G. da, & Bueno, M. J. C. (2024). Logistics Efficiency Analysis: Case Study for a Company in the Laundry Sector in the City of São Paulo – SP. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(08), e431. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13333925

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