Port of Paranguá
Applying the Solver Tool for Intermodal Transport Optimization of Origin and Destination Points
Commodities, Simplex, Solver, ExportAbstract
The Port of Paranaguá is one of the largest exporters of agricultural commodities in Brazil. In recent years, it has consistently surpassed its export records. Despite its significant activity and importance to the economy, the port faces various bottlenecks from the origination of commodities to the loading of grains onto ships. These critical points pose challenges and impact its overall performance. This study aims to present the port, its characteristics, and complexities, along with the primary commodities exported, such as the soybean flow from the southern/southeastern interior of Brazil. Additionally, the study proposes a solution to address the costs of Road and Rail freight. The methodology employed for this article was analytical exploratory research, utilizing official data to substantiate the presented facts. However, it is observed that despite the port's considerable scale, attention from governmental authorities is still needed for road improvements and infrastructure development. This would enable the port to meet demand effectively and prevent cargo diversion to nearby ports due to efficiency concerns.
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