Comex 4.0 in the Brazilian Conjuncture


  • Samyra Vieira de Adrade Mello Fatec Zona Leste
  • Leandro Colevati dos Santos Fatec Zona Leste



Technology 4.0, Industry 4.0, Comex 4.0


The article aims to demonstrate how COMEX 4.0 and all its technologies, such as cloud computing, traceability, Internet of Things, Blockchain, biotechnology, advanced robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and virtual reality, are important for companies to become more competitive in the market. To achieve this goal, bibliographic research was conducted in books, magazines, official government websites, and a case study with the largest foreign trade company in Brazil. The hypothesis that 4.0 technology is essential for the economic development of the country and businesses was confirmed, as it enables faster, higher quality, more reliable, and precise commercial integrations. Furthermore, research was conducted on the difficulties that Brazil faces in integrating into the 4.0 revolution, and the most prominent points were political interests, lack of capital, a shortage of qualified labor, and Brazil's late industrialization.


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How to Cite

Mello, S. V. de A., & Santos, L. C. dos. (2024). Comex 4.0 in the Brazilian Conjuncture. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(04), 19–26.

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