Export of Brazilian Natural Honey to the International Market


  • Fernando Silva Lima FATEC Zona Leste
  • Kevin Christopher Nascimento Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Gustavo Tonon Lopes FATEC Zona Leste




Natural Honey, Brazil, Export, Development, International Market


In this study we present all the export volumes of Brazilian natural honey to the international market, why Brazilian Natural Honey is a product that potential countries are interested in consuming. This document was based on bibliographical research and consultation sources such as: Sebrae, Canal Rural, Apex Brazil, IBGE, where information was collected about the history of humanity with Natural Honey, the quality of the product being of Brazilian origin, issues related to the economy and culture of the countries covered in this article, which are the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany. All data presented is focused on the development of Brazilian Natural Honey in the international market, through Export, how it has been consolidating, and the opportunities to expand its target audience, in terms of respect and relevance in the foreign market, using the climatic conditions that favor large-scale production, which is capable of serving important countries that seek to establish high-value commercial relations with Brazil, whether these values are monetary or non-monetary.


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How to Cite

Lima, F. S., Silva, K. C. N., & Lopes, G. T. (2024). Export of Brazilian Natural Honey to the International Market. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(05), 73–81. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12593270

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