The Efficiency of Technological Cargo Trackers Used in Transport Logistics


  • Dayane Cordeiro da Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Estevão Augusto Gomes Teixeira FATEC Zona Leste
  • Lea Paz da Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Stephane Santos Muniz FATEC Zona Leste
  • Jose Abel de Andrade Baptista FATEC Zona Leste



Trackers, Satellite, Technology


The analysis that was carried out aims to show the importance of technological trackers in safety when transporting cargo while traveling. The main objective is to evaluate the efficiency of tracking technologies such as Onix and Sascar in monitoring travel. The research was conducted among operators who use both technologies at the company Krona, wich operates in the risk managent sector. The survey results reveal that 100% of employees use Onix technology, while Only 60% use Sascar technology is notable, with 60% of employees considering it the most requested. Both technologies have some connection loss, but Onix has na average of two connection losses in a one-hour period, in comparison Sascar has an average of only one connection loss in a one-hour period. Both Technologies provide Around 9 procedures for carrying out security testing, called a checklist, however users of Onix Tecnology complain about the need to pass macro daily, while of users Sascar technology report delays in actuating commands. In terms of performance, 80% of employees concider Onix Technology to be a good option while 60% of employees consider Sascar technology to be a good option. Based on employlees believe that Onix technology is conderably the best, with 80% voting a favor.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. C. da, Teixeira, E. A. G., Silva, L. P. da, Muniz, S. S., & Baptista, J. A. de A. (2024). The Efficiency of Technological Cargo Trackers Used in Transport Logistics. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(05), 162–169.

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