The Influence of ESG Practices on the Internationalization of the Dengo Company
ESG, Influence, Internationalization, Practices, SustainabilityAbstract
The constant changes that are currently taking place in the economic environment and the great competition in the internal market, makes companies go in search of new international markets, in order to expand them and thus increase their revenue. The present work carried out a review of literature that mentions ESG practices and the internationalization of companies, through a case study about the company Dengo Chocolates, which has been standing out in Brazil in the production of chocolates and with great concern in the application of ESG practices, having as a research problem to know how the practices of the ESG pillars influenced the internationalization of this company. The exploratory research was carried out through content analysis of the institutional website of Dengo Chocolates and articles researched on the internet about the company. At the end of the study, it was found that the application of ESG practices influences the company both in the way the organization is managed as well as in its internationalization process, contributing to positive viability and serving as a valuable guide for companies seeking to balance global growth with environmental, social and governance responsibility.
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