The Relationship Between the Use of the Scrum Methodology and Software Quality Assurance Defined by the ISO 25010 Model

A Comparative Analysis from an Organization's Perspective


  • Nilson José Moreira Filho FATEC Zona Leste
  • Yago Henrique dos Santos Rodrigues FATEC Zona Leste
  • Luciano Francisco de Oliveira FATEC Zona Leste



Scrum, Quality, ISO 25010


This article aims to verify possible relationships between the use of the Scrum methodology and the concept of software quality, based on the software product quality model provided by ISO 25010, in an organizational perspective. The general objective is to identify, through comparative analysis between software development teams, relationships between the adoption of the methodology and adherence to the quality guidelines established by the model mentioned. For that, software quality, the ISO 25010 software product quality model and the Scrum methodology are conceptualized, , the organization and teams adopted as the object of study are presented, the application of primary data collection is described and there is a discussion about the results obtained. The theme is justified by the increased demand for software quality, in addition to the popularization of the Scrum methodology, which makes it interesting to search for relationships between the two concepts in a real software development environment. From a descriptive study, consisting of a comparative analysis based on primary and secondary sources and a qualitative and quantitative approach to the data, it is demonstrated that, in the case studied, despite the hypotheses pointing out that Scrum would not be influential in most cases. pillars of the model, the so-called “Non-Scrum” perspective, showed better degrees of quality. In addition, there were very few issues where a certain distance between the perspectives was not demonstrated. Another relevant result is that features present in Scrum proved to be harmful in some aspects of the model, such as maintainability.


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How to Cite

Filho, N. J. M., Rodrigues, Y. H. dos S., & Oliveira, L. F. de. (2023). The Relationship Between the Use of the Scrum Methodology and Software Quality Assurance Defined by the ISO 25010 Model: A Comparative Analysis from an Organization’s Perspective. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 1(2), 06–19.