Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | out./dez. 2024
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)From this issue (Volume 3, number 1) the Journal @_GIT becomes quarterly in continuous flow, that is, the articles will be published in the quarter as they are evaluated and corrected, without having to wait for a fixed date of publication. This process ensures greater agility in the publication of articles, which will not be stopped waiting for the publication date.
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | set. 2024
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024)In this edition (v.2 n.4), the articles discuss various topics, from absorption costing in the production of canned feijoada and the analysis of improvements in rotating parking using payback to increase profitability, to urban mobility issues, with a temporal analysis of bus demand in São Paulo between 2015 and 2023 and a bibliometric analysis of mobility plans for universities. Other works deal with the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in environmental management to identify stakeholders and improve the environmental performance of organizations. Sustainability in Brazilian airports, with a focus on the airports of Salvador (BA) and Confins (MG), is also discussed, highlighting the initiatives that correlate the environment and the airline industry. In addition, Chinese geopolitics and the New Silk Road are seen as inducers of national development through foreign trade. The application of design thinking through the game "JOIN Match" is explored as a playful tool to solve problems in educational and corporate environments. Finally, the use of machine learning in supply chain management is analyzed, showing its influence on organizational performance based on the theory of transaction costs.
Enjoy this edition and enjoy your reading.
Prof. Dra Ester Felix
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | jun. 2024
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024)In this issue of "Advances in Global Innovation & Technology" we present the ten best papers presented at the 6th EnGeTec, selected by the event's editing team and the journal's team.
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | mar. 2024
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)In this edition we present articles that were sent, appreciated and approved for publication in the journal and articles published in the Annals of the 6th edition of EnGeTec - Management and Technology Meeting, which took place in December 2023. These articles discuss topics in the areas of: Systems Analysis and Development, Cyber Defense, Business Management, Industrial Production Management, Logistics, Website Accessibility and Biomedical Systems. -
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | dez. 2023
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)In this edition of the magazine "Advances in Global Innovation & Technology" we present the 10 works that stood out at the XIV FATECLOG, the largest Logistics congress in Brazil, which was held at Fatec Americana, on June 2 and 3, 2023.
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | set. 2023
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023)We present the 3rd issue of the journal "Advances in Global Innovation & Technology", this issue brings the 4 featured articles, presented at the 4th EnGeTec - Management and Technology Meeting, which took place in December 2021 and the 5 featured articles, presented at the 5th EnGeTec - Management and Technology Meeting, which took place in December 2022. We also shed light on a Technical Report by the Paula Souza Center team, on the Implementation of Remote Teaching in times of Pandemic.
Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | jun. 2023
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)The journal "Advances in Global Innovation & Technology" is a quarterly digital publication under the responsibility of the "East Zone Faculty of Technology", "Paula Souza State Center for Technological Education", with the publication of interdisciplinary works carried out by the student, faculty, and internal research communities as well as by external researchers.
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Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | dez. 2022
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)A Revista “Advances in Global Innovation & Technology” é uma publicação semestral digital de responsabilidade da “Faculdade de Tecnologia de Zona Leste”, “Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza”, com a publicação de trabalhos de caráter interdisciplinar realizados pelas comunidades discente, docente e pesquisadores internos e bem como por pesquisadores externos.
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