Cloud Computing and Provisioning on Amazon Web Services


  • Gustavo Oliveira Mota FATEC Zona Leste
  • Cristina Corrêa de Oliveira FATEC Zona Leste



Cloud computing, public cloud, function as a service


Cloud computing has drawn attention for its purpose of addressing significant challenges faced by businesses, such as keeping their applications available in scenarios of high demand, securely storing their data, and reducing costs associated with infrastructure. This article aims to explore the concept of cloud computing, covering the basics of cloud computing, its key characteristics, service models, deployment models, benefits, and limitations. After provisioning a cloud-based application programming interface using Amazon Web Services as the provider, following a serverless architecture with API Gateway, a Lambda function, and the Amazon DynamoDB NoSQL database, load tests were conducted using K6, along with qualitative and quantitative analyses to practically assess some benefits and challenges of opting for cloud computing. Cloud computing is a powerful tool but requires attention to criteria such as security, compliance, and privacy. Additionally, choosing the service model and deployment model that best meets the specific needs of an organization is crucial.


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How to Cite

Mota , G. O., & Oliveira , C. C. de. (2024). Cloud Computing and Provisioning on Amazon Web Services. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(09), e402.

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