SCIENCE AR: Educational system of natural science using augmented reality


  • João Enrique Barbosa Santos Alves Fatec Zona Leste
  • Júlia da Silva Dias Gonçalves Fatec Zona Leste
  • Sarah Jandozza Laurindo Fatec Zona Leste
  • Jeferson Roberto de Lima Fatec Zona Leste
  • Rogério Bezerra Costa Fatec Zona Leste



Visual stimulation, Augmented reality, Success rate


One of the problems in traditional teaching is the student's lack of understanding of theoretical learning, where there are often no visual stimuli, discouraging the student. According to the data collected through bibliographical research, the idea of creating an educational web system for 7th-grade students was developed, bringing a solution to the problems encountered. What can be done to help students learn more simply and objectively? With this problem in mind, the Science AR platform, using augmented reality, aims to increase the success rate of students learning the subject and engage them, making learning more dynamic, easier, and faster.  The platform will provide support materials for students to study and will have quizzes on the topic studied, where students can apply their knowledge of the subject and visualize the 3D models within the application.


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How to Cite

Alves, J. E. B. S., da Silva Dias Gonçalves, J., Jandozza Laurindo, S., Roberto de Lima, J., & Bezerra Costa , R. (2024). SCIENCE AR: Educational system of natural science using augmented reality. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(01), 55–62.

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