Treading knowledge and investigation

A study on the methods of collecting information from students in the last period of Fatec Zona Leste


  • Bruno Hideo Kashima FATEC Zona Leste
  • Dayane Valença Pinhati Albuquerque FATEC Zona Leste
  • Larissa Gomes da Silva Ferreira FATEC Zona Leste



Information, Knowledge, Apuration, Student, Job Market


Information is a powerful tool that shapes the way we live, work, communicate and interact. It provides the raw data from which knowledge is built and is highly valued, allowing personal development, skill acquisition and understanding of the problems and challenges faced by society on a global scale. The ease of access to information, driven by the technological revolution, has significantly expanded people's capacity to educate themselves and stay updated. The availability of information is the fundamental basis of students' learning, but it also requires the enhancement of critical evaluation skills. Furthermore, the importance of information goes beyond the academic sphere, playing a vital role in global awareness and preparing students to face the challenges of the ever-evolving job market. However, it is important to emphasize that the spread of fake news represent a serious threat to the integrity of accurate information, requiring the adoption of more rigorous criteria to identify and filter such content. The ability to conduct deeper investigations and develop a "Journalistic Flair" are essential skills that students need to acquire in order to excel in the job market, as decision-making based on solid evidence is a crucial factor in achieving success and obtaining satisfactory outcomes.


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How to Cite

Kashima , B. H., Albuquerque , D. V. P., & Ferreira , L. G. da S. (2024). Treading knowledge and investigation: A study on the methods of collecting information from students in the last period of Fatec Zona Leste. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(07), e300.