Export of coffee liquor


  • Ewerton Santos de Queiroz FATEC Zona Leste
  • Júlio Cesar Molon Bevilaqua FATEC Zona Leste




Liquor, Coffee, Export, Culture


Liquor is a type of distillate that has a variety of aromas and flavors. Depending on where the product is made, it has specific regional characteristics, giving it different forms and tastes to be enjoyed. As a result, the idea of making the distillate with one of Brazil's main products was promoted. Coffee is one of the world's most popular products and one that Brazil exports at a high rate. The main objective of this operation is to export a differentiated product that is not common in the spirits market, above all, to value Afro-Brazilian history by disseminating information in this work that was aggregated through research carried out by Candomblé followers of Bantu origin and to show the quality potential of artisanal coffee beans. In addition, the choice of cachaça was another element to increase the quality of the liqueur. Tiê Prata ranks second in the classification of the best Brazilian cachaças, and its main characteristic is the taste closer to sugar cane, which brings the ideal harmonization to the drink.


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How to Cite

Queiroz , E. S. de, & Bevilaqua , J. C. M. (2024). Export of coffee liquor. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(07), e319. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13324099

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