Impacts of the 6x1 work schedule on cleaning assistants at a private hospital in São Paulo
6x1 Schedule, Hospital Cleaning, Impacts, ManagementAbstract
This article addresses the 6x1 work schedule, with the aim of analyzing the impacts on hospital cleaning assistants, in terms of work overload, physical and mental exhaustion of these professionals. They play an important role in concurrent and terminal cleaning of hospital beds, which is necessary to ensure the safety of patients and professionals from contamination and hospital infections. However, this exhausting work can lead to numerous negative impacts, such as fatigue, exhaustion, and lack of time to spend with loved ones. As a result, a quantitative and qualitative research was conducted with five employees, out of a total of 22, where it was found that their biggest complaints are related to the work schedule, poor task distribution, and the insufficient number of employees. Based on this data, we suggest some management strategies that can be implemented to mitigate these impacts, such as applying alternative work schedules or hiring new employees in order to reduce the workload on them.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Beatriz Ferreira dos Santos, Isabela de Lima Nascimento, Rayane Batista da Cunha, Maria Helena Veloso Salgado, Lea Paz da Silva
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