Analysis of the material flow in the receipt of an auto parts industry using simulation in the arena software


  • Douglas Melo França Fatec Zona Leste
  • Sabrina Temoteo de Oliveira Fatec Zona Leste
  • Roberto Ramos de Morais Fatec Zona Leste
  • Dirceu Eduardo Galvão Fatec Zona Leste



Arena, Simulation, Queues, Auto parts industry


The study investigates the challenges of receiving primary materials in an auto parts industry, addressing how bottlenecks in cargo entry impact efficiency and increase operating costs. It is noted that the number of shipments waiting to be unloaded exceeds the processing capacity of the collection area, resulting in queues and idle times hindering the flow. By applying the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Queuing Theory, the article proposes solutions to identify and alleviate these bottlenecks. Using the Arena simulation software, we modeled scenarios that allowed us to test different possibilities, such as increasing the team in the conference stage and in the document validation process. Simulations carried out to reduce waiting time and minimize the frequency of refunds due to tax errors, in addition to optimizing the billing flow. The study highlights how the integration of these tools can adapt processes, allowing the company to identify points for improvement without having to intervene in operations, allowing strategic adjustments that optimize the flow and improve the use of available resources.


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How to Cite

França, D. M., Oliveira, S. T. de, Morais, R. R. de, & Galvão, D. E. (2025). Analysis of the material flow in the receipt of an auto parts industry using simulation in the arena software. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 2(2), e22165.

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