Analysis of the Queue at a Zoo Safari Ticket Office

A Study on the Implementation of Automation in the Reduction of Queues


  • Geovana dos Santos Girão FATEC Zona Leste
  • Bruna de Souza A. Santos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Luiza Alves dos Santos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Roberto Ramos de Morais FATEC Zona Leste
  • Rafael Cavalcanti Bizerra FATEC Zona Leste



Service queues, Automation, Simulation, Optimization, Customer satisfaction


This study proposes a simulation-based analysis to address the challenge of long service queues at Zoo Safári- SP. The objective is to investigate how automation can be used to reduce queues, improve visitor satisfaction and optimize ticket office operations. To achieve this objective, the research is based on collecting detailed data, evaluating automation technologies, implementing changes and comparing simulated results with real data. The methodology adopted is applied and quantitative in nature, using simulation with the Arena software to model the service process. The simulation allows you to test different scenarios and identify possible improvements to the service system. Additionally, collecting detailed data provides important information about average wait times, service capacity and visitor demand. The results of this research have the potential to provide valuable understanding for managing queues in similar environments. By implementing automation and optimization measures, it is expected that queues will be significantly reduced, providing a more satisfactory experience for visitors to Zoo Safári- SP. Additionally, improving box office operational efficiency can lead to an increase in revenue and overall park efficiency.


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How to Cite

Girão, G. dos S., Santos, B. de S. A., Santos, L. A. dos, Morais, R. R. de, & Bizerra, R. C. (2024). Analysis of the Queue at a Zoo Safari Ticket Office: A Study on the Implementation of Automation in the Reduction of Queues. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(08), e348.

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