Análisis del acceso de los estudiantes al campus de la Zona Este de Fatec

Un caso de estudio logístico


  • Adrielli Raquel de Assis FATEC Zona Leste
  • Ana Carolina Quedas FATEC Zona Leste
  • Vanessa Draiher da Silva FATEC Zona Leste


Palabras clave:

Teoría de las colas, Investigación operativa, Simulación, Arena©


In operations management, a bottleneck is characterized by a process step that limits the process from producing more. Although this term is related to production lines, it can also be observed when a queue of people starts. Therefore, it can restrict a process and generate obstacles and embarrassments when it comes to executing processes and consequently cause dissatisfaction and even slower development of a task. For this reason, this paper seeks to use the concept of Queue Theory combined with Simulation in Logistics to run and apply a mathematical model in a real situation. This study will use the theoretical framework based on sources such as books and articles, together with Microsoft Excel© software for data processing. The simulation will be carried out using Arena© software, which is used to emulate logistics processes. Once the problem that causes the queues has been discovered, a comparison will be made between simulations with the addition of turnstiles and from this parallel, there will be a check to see how much this change can influence both waiting times and the efficiency of the system. After checking the information simulated by Arena© in various scenarios, it can be concluded that increasing the number of resources does not always lead to their efficiency and that knowledge of queueing theory and its implementation, combined with the analytical thinking of the professional who studies it, is applicable to everyday logistics reality, whether inside or outside the university environment.


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Cómo citar

Assis , A. R. de, Quedas, A. C., & Silva, V. D. da. (2024). Análisis del acceso de los estudiantes al campus de la Zona Este de Fatec: Un caso de estudio logístico. Revista Del Encuentro De Gestión Y Tecnología, 1(06), 90–100.

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