The Insertion of Socialist Asia in Global Value Chains


  • Marcos Vinícius Mercês Mattos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Lígia Duarte Guerra FATEC Zona Leste



CGVs, Socialist Ásia, Liberalization, Transition, Post-Socialist


While the fragmentation of production around the world is not a recent phenomenon, the decline of the Soviet model and the end of the Eastern Bloc certainly marked a drastic change in the world: the transition of several economies, previously planned, and the opening of their markets to foreign trade and foreign investments. This article aims to explore how this phenomenon specifically manifested in Asian countries, addressing both the socialist experiences that were part of the Soviet Union and those that maintained a certain independence from the federation. This factor proved to be important in determining the type of responses adopted by their governments from the mid-80s and how it impacted their economies, preserving some sectors while relinquishing or encouraging others. In general, the analyzed countries fall into two different groups: those that underwent intense deindustrialization and only reinforced their position as exporters of commodities, mainly minerals or energy, and those that adopted a gradual approach and attracted manufacturing industries that oriented their production towards export.


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How to Cite

Mattos, M. V. M., & Guerra, L. D. (2024). The Insertion of Socialist Asia in Global Value Chains. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(08), e370.