International logistics
Bottlenecks in the export of soybeans
Logistic, Soja, Exportar, BottleneckAbstract
International logistics is responsible for the process of transporting and managing goods globally, connecting countries in their respective customs territories, aiming for high procedural quality between the parties involved. Thus, connecting nations, cultures and promoting the economy when well executed. For high-quality international logistics, there must be planning and organization behind the operations, and thus guarantee logistical success. On the other hand, it is possible to perceive the inefficiency caused by the lack of good administration, which directly affects logistics processes, generating negative impacts during and at the end of procedures, such as bottlenecks and flow of goods. Based on this, this work presents the importance of international logistics that acts directly in the soybean export process, aiming for an efficient process that minimizes bottlenecks and the flow of the commodity, through improving intermodality linked to the process. To this end, bibliographical research and data analysis were carried out, which corroborate the identification of procedural inefficiency that directly impacts the economic scenario and suggests improvements through investments based on the data presented.
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