The Strength of the Millennial Generation in the Retail Industry, with an Emphasis on Grocery Chains


  • Danilo Tavares Ferreira da Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Edvonaldo Ferreira Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Abel de Andrade Baptista FATEC Zona Leste



Millennials Generation, Technology, Retail, Stability, Goals


The general objective of this article is to make a descriptive analysis about the solidity and stability of Millenials Generation in the supermarket retail sector, in order to understand what causes the dissatisfaction of the young employees in the branch. The methodology used was a bibliographical and exploratory research. Generation Millennials is increasingly discontented in their work environment, triggering personal frustration of these young people, thus increasing turnover in companies. This is the generation has been known as Generation Y or Millennials Generation, which emerged in the 1980s and quickly witnesses the greatest advances and development of technology and a number of noncompliance with rules in the job market. This generation stands out at manifesting qualities like: carrying out various tasks simultaneously, listening to music, browsing the internet, reading emails, among others. Millennials like to try new things, and at work expect a rapid evolution, which will keep it in functions with relatively short periods. This generation seeks in the labor market unique experiences that can defy their critical sense and with the help of technology seek an effective solution, revealing its differential and its capacity in search of continuous improvement both for personal fulfillment and for its professional fulfillment, realizing its objectives.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. T. F. da, Silva, E. F., & Baptista, J. A. de A. (2022). The Strength of the Millennial Generation in the Retail Industry, with an Emphasis on Grocery Chains. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 1(1), 31–38.