Special customs drawback regime

Opportunity to improve competitiveness


  • Beatriz Rosa Battara Marques Fatec Americana
  • Nelson Luis de Souza Correa Fatec Americana


Drawback, Exemption, Intermediary, Import, Export


This article aims to present how a company identified an opportunity to reduce export tax costs through the Drawback special customs regime, in the Exemption and Intermediate modalities. In the Exemption Drawback modality, the study company uses the benefit when they replenish their stock with imported commodities and in the Intermediate Drawback modality, the company uses the benefit in partnership with one of its national clients who will export their final product to other countries. Through analyzes carried out with the company, its tax savings will be presented, which improves its competitiveness in the international market. The methodology used is qualitative research, with bibliographical research and presentation of the study carried out with the company.


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How to Cite

Marques , B. R. B., & Correa , N. L. de S. (2025). Special customs drawback regime: Opportunity to improve competitiveness. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 3(2), e32231. Retrieved from https://revista.fateczl.edu.br/index.php/git/article/view/265

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