Team Management

Leadership Performance Analysis in a Company in the City of São Paulo


  • Ana Beatriz da Silva Santos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Giovana Andrade Tito FATEC Zona Leste
  • Lukas de Paula Vasconcelos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Lea Paz da Silva FATEC Zona Leste



Leadership, Management, Archetypes


Leadership management is a way of understanding how important it is for people to relate to each other in a positive organizational climate, being influenced to a large extent by the company leader who demonstrates his attitudes, skills and knowledge to his team. Therefore, it is important that the leader is prepared for any type of situation in his company with his acquired knowledge to act correctly in any direction. In this work, we carried out research using a report with questions relating to organizational culture. Analyzing a company leader to identify his behavior in various situations within the organization. This questionnaire was taken from the book “Team Leadership” which disagrees about archetypes; explains the behavioral profiles referring to the Gods of Greek Mythology (Athena, Aphrodite, Hera, Poseidon and Zeus) and their relationship with organizational culture. Therefore, we obtained answers related to leaders to the profiles researched, analyzing their leadership style according to the theories of Charles Handy (1994) and Damaris Novo, Chernicharo and Barradas (2008).


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How to Cite

Santos, A. B. da S., Tito, G. A., Vasconcelos, L. de P., & Silva, L. P. da. (2024). Team Management: Leadership Performance Analysis in a Company in the City of São Paulo. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(05), 140–147.

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