Feasibility of computerization between the service process and the production of a printing company


  • Emily Vitória da Silva Farias FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Abel de Andrade Baptista FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Ricardo Moreno Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Lea Paz da Silva FATEC Zona Leste




Trello, Tool, Enhancement, Project


In this article, we explore the feasibility of implementing Trello software in the leading graphics industry company, VCR Dual Mídia, aiming to improve its operational efficiency and competitiveness. The research involved a comprehensive analysis of the company's needs, staff training, custom Trello configuration, data migration, ongoing monitoring, adjustments, and promoting full adoption of the tool. The implementation of Trello was meticulously planned to minimize any disruption to VCR Dual Mídia's operations, resulting in substantial improvements in project and task management. The tool offers flexibility, transparency and improved collaboration between teams. Its structure of tables, lists and cards facilitated the effective monitoring of tasks, allowing the assignment of responsibilities and the elimination of redundancies. Trello has proven to be a solid choice for companies looking for greater productivity and efficient communication, contributing to the success of projects and business operations. The implementation of Trello at VCR Dual Mídia represents an effective solution to the challenges of the modern printing industry, allowing the company to adapt to technological changes and customer expectations, maintaining its competitiveness in the market.


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How to Cite

Farias, E. V. da S., Baptista, J. A. de A., Silva, J. R. M., & Silva, L. P. da. (2024). Feasibility of computerization between the service process and the production of a printing company. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(02), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10914414

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