Reverse Logistics as a sustainable instrument for the management of expired medicines in Brazil


  • Gabriella Silvestre da Silva Fatec Rubens Lara
  • Júlio Cesar Silva Santos Fatec Rubens Lara
  • Álvaro Camargo Prado Fatec Rubens Lara



Expired medications, Proper disposal, Reverse logistics


The growing concern about the proper disposal of expired medications has driven the need for a more responsible approach to dealing with pharmaceutical products at the end of their lifecycle. This article explores the importance of raising awareness about the correct disposal of medications, highlighting the environmental and health risks associated with their improper disposal. Additionally, it discusses the crucial role played by pharmaceutical reverse logistics in the responsible management of these waste products and their packaging, aiming to mitigate environmental risks, protect public health, and promote sustainability. The challenges faced in implementing pharmaceutical reverse logistics, including logistical and public awareness issues, are also addressed. Through a deeper understanding of the role and benefits of pharmaceutical reverse logistics, the aim is to promote more efficient and sustainable management of medications. In an effort to minimize improper disposal and to analyze the main impacts of expired pharmaceutical reverse logistics for sustainability and safety contributions, methodologies such as ethnography, participant research, bibliographic review, among others, were used to conclude that with the application of this tool, the trend is a decrease in environmental damage, contributing to a sustainable future.



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How to Cite

Silva, G. S. da, Santos, J. C. S., & Prado, Álvaro C. (2025). Reverse Logistics as a sustainable instrument for the management of expired medicines in Brazil. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 3(2), e32310.

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