Contribution of the Railway Modal in the Flow of Soybean Production in the State of Paraná
Soy, Brazil, Rail transport, Paraná, GPDAbstract
Soy has a considerable share of the Brazilian GDP through the large volumes exported. The State of Paraná, being the second largest producer of the grain, is equally important in this participation. As in the entire country there are certain infrastructure problems. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact generated by the use of rail transport in the flow of soy production in the State of Paraná. This document is a bibliographic study that used as its main source official data from the government of the state of Paraná on transport, and data from Embrapa on soy. After all the data collected, it was possible to observe that it is necessary to further explore rail transport as it will bring cost reduction and consequent profit to producers. The amount that would be spent on logistics then becomes available for greater investment in production, which are going to consequently bring more profits, and so on.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gerlândia Rosana de Almeida, Vitor Youiti Carneiro, Maria Helena Veloso Salgado, Leandro Colevati dos Santos
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