Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | set. 2024

					View Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Advances in Global Innovation & Technology | set. 2024

In this edition (v.2 n.4), the articles discuss various topics, from absorption costing in the production of canned feijoada and the analysis of improvements in rotating parking using payback to increase profitability, to urban mobility issues, with a temporal analysis of bus demand in São Paulo between 2015 and 2023 and a bibliometric analysis of mobility plans for universities. Other works deal with the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in environmental management to identify stakeholders and improve the environmental performance of organizations. Sustainability in Brazilian airports, with a focus on the airports of Salvador (BA) and Confins (MG), is also discussed, highlighting the initiatives that correlate the environment and the airline industry. In addition, Chinese geopolitics and the New Silk Road are seen as inducers of national development through foreign trade. The application of design thinking through the game "JOIN Match" is explored as a playful tool to solve problems in educational and corporate environments. Finally, the use of machine learning in supply chain management is analyzed, showing its influence on organizational performance based on the theory of transaction costs.

Enjoy this edition and enjoy your reading.

Prof. Dra Ester Felix

Published: 2024-09-27
