Simulating Baggage Flow

Method to Reduce Lost Baggage at Airports Using the Arena System


  • Kelen Cristina de Andrade FATEC Zona Leste
  • Leandro Balbino dos Santos FATEC Zona Leste
  • Roberto Ramos de Morais FATEC Zona Leste
  • Rafael Cavalcanti Bizerra FATEC Zona Leste



Arena, Baggage, Airport, Mishandling, Flow


In recent years, there has been a continuous effort to improve baggage flow and reduce mishandling at airports. Several successful strategies have been implemented, such as the use of tracking technology, smart tags, and more efficient screening systems. These measures aim to provide a smoother and more reliable experience for passengers, ensuring that their luggage reaches the correct destination on time. However, sorting and routing errors can still occur due to the complexity of the process and the involvement of multiple parties. Additionally, the lack of standardization in processes among different airlines hinders the smooth flow of baggage, leading to delays and mishandling. This article identifies these bottlenecks through Arena software and brings results that will be used to improve the passenger experience at airports while promoting a more efficient operation. Through research, data collection from Congonhas airport, and the use of Arena software, several results will be developed, such as fewer mishandled and damaged bags. Therefore, continuous efforts to improve baggage flow at airports have resulted in significant improvements. These measures aim to provide a smoother and more reliable experience for travelers while bringing benefits to the involved companies. However, it is important to continue seeking solutions and standardizations to ensure an even more efficient operation and minimize inconvenience to passengers.


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How to Cite

Andrade , K. C. de, Santos, L. B. dos, Morais , R. R. de, & Bizerra, R. C. (2024). Simulating Baggage Flow: Method to Reduce Lost Baggage at Airports Using the Arena System. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(09), e441.

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