The Artificial Intelligence Dilemma

How Far Can Marketing Go?


  • Rayslla Jade de Melo Gregorio FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Viana Neto FATEC Zona Leste
  • Rodolfo Ribeiro FATEC Zona Leste



Marketing, Promotional, Advertising, Intelligence, Artificial


The following paper outlines the Marketing studies, some essential concepts and its tools, such as the “4 P’s of marketing” (product, price, point and promotion), concepts that fulfill the definition of Marketing Mix. This mix's main function is to guide corporate strategies to better understand the needs of its target audience, thus, when these variables are well combined, fully meeting customer needs, strengthening the image (branding) in the market. Furthermore, a frequency in the promotional sphere of the mix, focusing on commercial advertising, which has increasingly evolved into modern molds with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The study also addresses the advertising carried out by the car manufacturer Volkswagem celebrating 70 years of its first Brazilian branch, which has digital representation through AI, of the singer Elis Regina (1945-1982) with her daughter, also a singer, Maria Rita. It is important to discuss the limits of advertising, as well as the limits of using Artificial Intelligence.


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How to Cite

Gregorio, R. J. de M., Neto, J. V., & Ribeiro, R. (2024). The Artificial Intelligence Dilemma: How Far Can Marketing Go?. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(08), e320.

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