Incense exports, analysis of the period from 2019 to 2023


  • José Abel de Andrade Baptista Fatec Zona Leste
  • Rosana Aparecida Bueno de Novais Fatec Zona Leste
  • Tainah Ariane Bueno Soares Fatec Zona Leste
  • Alice Mendes da Silva Fatec Zona Leste
  • Carolina Lopes Barreto Fatec Zona Leste



Incense, Export, Internationalization, Entry Mode


Incense burning is an ancient tradition during different rituals in almost all religions. Some religions have their own beliefs behind the use of incense sticks. People have used incense since ancient times on different occasions and in different forms. The general objective is to understand the process of exporting Brazilian incense. The methodology used was bibliographic, exploratory and descriptive as it attempted to describe the characteristics of exports of the incense product NCM 33074100. The research showed that it was exported in the period from 2019 to 2023 to 62 countries, covering the 5 continents, according to data from Comexstat.T he main exporter was the United States; Europe was the continent with the most countries that received the product.


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How to Cite

Baptista, J. A. de A., Novais, R. A. B. de, Soares, T. A. B., Silva, A. M. da, & Barreto, C. L. (2025). Incense exports, analysis of the period from 2019 to 2023. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 2(1), e21251.

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