From Stress to Success
The Impact of Mental Health Support Programs
Stress, Support programs, Mental health, EmployeesAbstract
The following article presents support programs specialized in mental health and stress which significantly improve both the personal and professional lives of employees, positively impacting productivity in organizations. When companies create a safe environment where employees can share their experiences and challenges, they help in addressing emotional issues and promote a more supportive and cooperative work environment. Programs like happy hours, individual or group therapy, physical activities, and relaxation, spaces help employees better understand and manage the daily pressures. Implementing these practices not only strengthens mental health but also transforms the organizational culture, making it more supportive and welcoming, a place where everyone feels valued and part of the team. Our research reveals how much human capital is still undervalued in many companies, where often there is not even an awareness of employees' needs.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Arthur Fernando Santos Barbosa, Kathlleen Pereira da Silva2, Rebeca Mical Resende de Oliveira3, Jadir P. dos Santos

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