Conflict Management in the Virtual Workplace
Conflicto, Leadership, Organizaciones, Recursos HumanosAbstract
This study seeks to examine the impact of conflicts in virtual work environments, focusing on understanding conflict dynamics and how these can be effectively managed within organizations. The article draws on previous research and includes a practical survey conducted with 21 employees working remotely, followed by an analysis of their responses. The findings revealed a higher proportion of young employees in this field, as well as various factors that contribute to conflicts within companies. The study concludes that precise conflict management strategies and targeted interventions are essential to support companies in handling conflicts effectively. Such measures can foster a balanced virtual work environment, leading to positive impacts on organizational performance.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ariana de Jesus Oliveira, Beatriz Batista S. da Silva, Bianca Batista S. da Silva, Jadir Perpétuo dos Santos

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