Circular economy

The importance of reverse logistics


  • Gletiana Góis Pereira Faculdade de Tecnologia da Baixada Santista
  • Nereu Rodrigues Moreira Faculdade de Tecnologia da Baixada Santista


Circular Economy, Reverse logistic, Environment


Companies currently need to innovate their internal standards to adapt to the demands that society imposes on them. Reverse Logistics has the role of ensuring the return of products already used back to the industry, so that they can be used in the manufacture of new products, reusing the raw material, adding value and benefits to the environment, so it is possible to use less natural resources. This practice is opposite to the linear model used today, where products are manufactured, used and then discarded, reaching the final cycle and requiring the extraction of natural resources in the manufacture of new products, increasingly exploiting nature. This article aims to study the benefits of the Circular Economy and describe the importance of Reverse Logistics so that it becomes possible.


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How to Cite

Pereira, G. G., & Moreira, N. R. (2025). Circular economy: The importance of reverse logistics. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 3(2), e32530. Retrieved from

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