Higher Education Adaptability from Logistics to Remote Classes During the Pandemic
Logistics, Remote Learning, Covid-19, Technology, AdaptabilityAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic, which spread across the world at the beginning of 2020, aroused several situations and required emergency actions from governments in several areas, one of them being the educational scope, because due to the rule of isolation and social distancing, suggested by the World Organization of Health (WHO), the institutions were closed and, as an alternative, virtual rooms were instituted. However, this change caused adaptation challenges, given that teachers and students had to migrate the entire study plan to the online environment, but the practice of remote teaching brought innovations to learning, targeting the difficulties and benefits encountered. this study seeks to analyze the adaptability of students who migrated to remote higher education, verifying the main impacts and challenges overcome by them, through a case study with a qualitative aspect implemented in a higher course of Logistics of a Technological Institution of Higher Education located in the State from Sao Paulo.
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