Comparative Analysis between Corporate Health Plan Operators Using the Hierarchical Analysis Method (HAM)
AHP, Business Health Plan, Cost-BenefitAbstract
In the contemporary world the search for mental and physical integrity has become increasingly common among people, so when talking about the business branch it is essential to comment on the benefits that institutions offer, including the health plan. However, when it comes to obtaining a health plan, it is necessary to analyze several factors so that it is possible to make a more assertive decision and avoid future problems, so it is essential to analyze whether this plan has coverage that offers, coverage, reimbursement, lack, co-participation and the attractive cost-benefit ratio. Therefore, the Multicriteria Method Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to assist in the identification of relevant factors, in order to present a proposal for an approach that users judge as more relevant in choosing a business health plan service.
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