Cabotage as an Alternative to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Brazilian Cargo Transport

Case Study


  • ALEXANDRE FORMIGONI Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza



Sustainability, Green logistics, Cabotage, Carbon dioxide


Transport logistics processes seek to make the supply chain more sustainable and this makes the interest in these processes increase more and more, since this type of logistics has less impact on the environment, reducing costs and adding value to the product, being thus, a competitive advantage among consumers looking for more sustainable products. In this sense, this article aims at presenting the transport process of a French multinational company in the field of electronics, which operates road transport throughout the country. The company set itself a major challenge: contributing to the goals of the Paris Agreement (COP21), which aims at reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. In this way, it was projected to change the road modal to cabotage in an operation that transfers products from a plant in São Paulo to Manaus, with the objective of reducing the emission of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. To this end, a case study was carried out to understand and map the functioning of these processes, as well as a quantitative analysis based on data provided by the company, used to calculate the cost of freight and the amount of CO2 emitted in both transfer processes, to identify which mode is more sustainable. The results point to the environmental efficiency of the waterway model and suggest better profitability in terms of ton/kg freight.


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How to Cite

PASSOS, G. L. M., FIDELIS , J. D. S., FORMIGONI, A., & MALTA, R. D. F. B. (2023). Cabotage as an Alternative to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Brazilian Cargo Transport: Case Study. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 2(1), 73–81.

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