The Impacts on the Environment Caused by the Disposal of Materials and Waste from Civil Construction Works


  • Anna Julia Ferreira da Silva Tomazia FATEC Zona Leste
  • Maria Clara da Silva França FATEC Zona Leste
  • Michelle Francisco da Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Léa Paz da Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • José Abel de Andrade Baptista FATEC Zona Leste



Civil Construction, Waste, Impacts, Recycling, Sustainable


The civil construction sector is among the segments that contribute most to the country's development. Its growth has had a positive impact on job creation and the economy. On the other hand, poor management of construction waste causes a strong negative impact on the environment. The country recycles very little of the amount of waste it produces. In this way, this research seeks to understand the environmental impacts caused by discarded materials and waste and identifies market opportunities to recycle or reuse consciously, encouraging quality and efficiency in the built environment and bringing more social and environmental responsibility to the organization. Noting that the company we were based on for the research does not have sustainable management, this allowed us to guide and point out possible solutions, initially with environmental education and reduction of impacts through savings on resources, correct disposal of waste and means of reuse. With this, it is expected that the company's goals and objectives will be defined, giving priority to the implementation of an environmental policy, reducing impacts and contributing to the preservation of the environment.


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How to Cite

Tomazia, A. J. F. da S., França, M. C. da S., Silva, M. F. da, Silva, L. P. da, & Baptista, J. A. de A. (2024). The Impacts on the Environment Caused by the Disposal of Materials and Waste from Civil Construction Works. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 1(04), 65–72.

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