The influence of Korean pop culture in Brazil

An discussion of soft power


  • Denner Bernardino de Souza Fatec Zona Leste
  • Pedro Santos Bernardino Fatec Zona Leste
  • Mônica Éboli de Nigris



Soft power, Culture, Influence


This article explores South Korea's use of soft power to elevate its cultural influence on a global scale. The popularity of South Korean pop culture, including music, movies, and dramas, has led the country to stand out internationally. Soft power, introduced and conceptualized by Joseph Nye, refers to the ability to influence other countries without the need for economic force or military power, known as hard power. Thus, South Korea has made significant investments in its cultural industry over the years, valuing and promoting its own identity as a means to enhance its image and attract other nations. The research highlights the effectiveness of this strategy in Brazil, as the consumption of South Korean cultural products grows daily, showing that South Korea has adapted its influence to its audience. It can be concluded that soft power has been essential for the development and growth of South Korea's international visibility, fostering a valuable cultural exchange.


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How to Cite

Souza, D. B. de, Bernardino, P. S., & Nigris, M. Éboli de. (2025). The influence of Korean pop culture in Brazil: An discussion of soft power. Journal of the Management and Technology Meeting, 2(2), e22244.

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