Exploring links
Mapping the needs of the neighborhoods near FATEC Guaratinguetá
University Extension, Curricularization, Commodification of EducationAbstract
The proposal of the work is based on mapping the needs of the community around FATEC in Guaratinguetá, SP mediated by research and interaction with curricularization in teaching, research and extension activities. The research method used was a bibliographic review. The study investigated, in an applied nature, exploratory objective, qualitative and quantitative approaches, the historical and legislative evolution of university extension in Brazil. The results showed the active participation of neighboring neighborhoods in this process, highlighting the exchange of knowledge and the practical application of academic knowledge to promote the social, cultural and economic development of communities. The Technologist in Commercial Management course is cited as an example of this integration, combining theory and practice to prepare students in an innovative and efficient way for the challenges of the commercial sector. The study "Exploring Links: Mapping the needs of Neighborhoods Close to FATEC Guaratinguetá” illustrated how the university extension identified and met the demands of neighboring communities, contributing not only to the training of students, but to the development of areas close to the institution of higher education.
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