Agricultural Bulk Carriers in Mato Grosso from the Strategic Orientation Point of View
agribusiness, competitiveness, performance, strategic orientation, innovation, costs, Resources and Capacities, RBVAbstract
The state of Mato Grosso stands out in Brazilian agribusiness, but loses competitiveness due to insufficient logistics infrastructure and the high cost of road transport. Such a situation demands from companies in the sector high levels of performance and competitiveness through the definition of strategies. Another factor that is constantly related to superior performance is the ability to innovate. The general objective of this work is to estimate the relationship between different strategic orientations and innovation capability. Then, to estimate the impact of this on the competitive performance of road carriers in the state of Mato Grosso. To this end, an empirical theoretical model proposed by Grawe et was adapted and applied. al. (2009), which measured by means of Structural Equation – PLS-SEM confirmed two hypotheses regarding strategic orientation and innovation capability.
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