Generating Market Opportunities in a Family Printing Equipment Rental Business

Product Mix and Customer Loyalty Strategies


  • Vitória Oliveira Silva FATEC Zona Leste
  • Eduardo Neder Issa Júnior FATEC Zona Leste



Family Business, Product Mix, Customer Loyalty


This study was elaborated with the objective of analyzing a small family business and the management and strategies of the product mix and customer loyalty, given the facilities and difficulties of running a family business. This type of enterprise has been growing more and more, generating jobs and contributing to the economy. In this way, so many entrepreneurs identify with the problems studied. The research draws attention to issues that involve the product mix, whose importance is given by the need to study the chosen target audience and be one of the most strategic points of dissemination of the products and the services that the company offers, and the loyalty of customers, a topic that is related to the previous one, and that permits ways to make the brand exclusive to them. As the research method is exploratory in nature, the company chosen to be analyzed was Afinko - a familyowned printer and multifunctional rental company -, and the interviewees are part of the top management. After interpreting data of the field research carried out in the family business, it was possible to detail the main processes of the company and ways to improve them. The results obtained are appropriate, so that other companies could identify and apply the suggested strategies.


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How to Cite

Silva, V. O., & Júnior, E. N. I. (2022). Generating Market Opportunities in a Family Printing Equipment Rental Business: Product Mix and Customer Loyalty Strategies. Advances in Global Innovation & Technology, 1(1), 39–52.

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